Monday, November 7, 2011

Week Ending November 6

This week started off well and on track, and then I fell apart.  Not sure what my deal is.  Did a workout Friday afternoon, ran like crapola, and spent the night hacking up my lungs.  I took Saturday off in an attempt to recover (and thus no Comea House 5K), and I didn't run yesterday because I was being lazy.  I've been sleeping 10 hours a night and still don't feel rested.  I'm dragging myself out of bed in the morning and then falling asleep on the couch at nine at night.  Makes me wonder if I didn't pick up some bug.  May just be feeling all the effects of increased training.

Oh well, if there is one thing I have learned over the years, it's that one should listen to their body.  My body gave me the middle finger this weekend.  Sometimes it is actually okay to take a day or two off from running.  Nine times out of ten, it will be beneficial in the long run.

Mon. Oct. 31 - 4 miles in 29 min (7:07 pace).  I hit up a quick and easy run after work.  That's pretty much it.

Tues. Nov. 1 - 7 miles in 56 min (8:00 pace).  I went up to the trails in the morning to see what I could see.  What I found were trails that had been packed down and iced over from the weekend.  Apparently, thousands of people were on the trails the past weekend.  Odd, I never see people up there.  Tough run with little traction.

Wed. Nov. 2 - 9 miles in 65 min (7:13 pace).  It snowed a few inches Tuesday night, so in an effort to avoid the icy roads and idiot drivers on said icy roads, I ran a couple of loops on the safety of the Greenbelt.  Not the most stimulating run, but given the weather, it was pretty good.

Thurs. Nov. 3 - 4 miles in 29 min (7:15 pace).  I had six on the schedule, but settled for four.  First day in three weeks that I felt blah running. 

Fri. Nov. 4 - 9 miles in 60 min (6:40 pace).  First, I had a few too many beers the night before (I quit drinking so much and then I do that, brilliant) and got talked into joining the UW cross team for the annual "Get On Down Invite."  That is Coach Cole's famous (infamous?) last workout of the season, a mock track meet where all the runners dress up in odd racing clothes (in my day we wore old high school singlets one year, homemade uniforms the next) and run a race.  We used to pair up two girls and one guy and ran a three-leg relay.  This year, Cole had the girls run a 1500m and the guys run a 3K. 

I ran from my place to the outdoor track, loosened up and hoped for the best.  What was quickly evident from the first lap was that I have absolutely no speed anymore.  I got spit out the back of the pack after a 72 first quarter (SLOW!) and only fell off more from there.  I hit the half in 2:28, 1200m in 3:50, mile in 5:14 and came home in 10:12 for 3K.  I felt terrible the whole time, got lapped (on a 3K!) by Taylor, one of UW's top runners, and I then spent the rest of the night having asthma problems and coughing up my lungs.

I grew up with asthma being a by-product of my allergies.  I've had three or four pretty bad asthma attacks in my life, but the last one was when I was about 17.  As I got older, it seemed like I grew out of it; my allergies became less severe over the years and by the end of my first year running for Wyoming, I had officially ditched my Albuterol inhaler and haven't had any significant issues since.  However, Friday evening, I really could have used that inhaler.  I'm not sure what the issue was.  I wasn't exactly running fast, but something got in my system, or I stressed it too much, and I had a reaction.  Very strange.

After that, I took the weekend off.  I ate way too many carbs, and spent too many hours sitting on my butt watching football.  Lunde and I had made plans to go camping, and then called them off because we were supposed to get a snowstorm through the area Saturday.  That never happened, and I'm a little annoyed we didn't go camping.  Oh well, not much we can do about it now.

In short, it was kind of a waste of a weekend.

Week's Miles: 33
Running Time: 3:59
October's Miles: 137
Year to Date: 1342

Gear: Asics SpeedStar 5 (274 miles) Saucony Peregrine (42 miles)

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